Eco Camp & Hike Gear

Camping gear, equipment, accessories and supplies to ensure your camping trips make as little impact on nature as possible.

There is nothing better than packing all your camping equipment and hiking gear into the car and heading out into the wilderness for a while. It connects us to our roots and makes it easy to appreciate how valuable the natural world is.

Whether you are camping, hiking or just taking a day trip, we are bound to have something to make your experience easier and more in tune with the nature around you.

Our range of camping supplies includes firelighters, mosquito repelling incense, portable body care & more. As always, all of our camping supplies are eco-friendly & organic and vegan (where applicable.)

As for camping accessories, we have some great camp cooking equipment, camping lighting solutions, solar panels and more. Our range is the most eco in Australia!

Learn about minimalist camping with this post from our founder Tracey. Alos check out our eco camping guide.

As we continue to build up our Outdoors & Travel range, check back to discover new camping & hiking gear to help you get outdoors gently.

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158 products

Australia's greenest range of camping gear & hiking supplies.

Browse our range of must-have hiking kit that is guaranteed to reduce the footprint you leave behind.

You can never have too much camping gear! There is no such thing as too prepared for a camping trip. As a bonus, the more equipment and supplies you have, the less likely you are to damage the environment that is housing you.

A typical camping store will commonly stock products that are made as cheap as possible from petroleum based plastics. At Biome, we are trying to change this. All brands that we stock use sustainable materials and ethical production methods, so you can rest assured that your camping and hiking gear is not damaging the planet or the people on it. Biolite, for example, dedicates half of their resources towards using their tech to set up off-grid power systems in remote villages in Africa.

From handy containers for hiking snacks to camp cooking implements, Biome's range of eco camping & hiking equipment is the most gentle way to experience nature.

Going remote? No power? Check out our Camping Lights collection for solar-compatible camping lighting setups.

Learn 5 ways to be an eco-camper with our blog post.