

Baby teethers and soothers that are natural, BPA free and without synthetic plastics.  For natural teething to help relieve baby teething pain, try amber teething necklaces, or a natural rubber teether made from the sap of the rubber tree rather than silicone or petrochemical plastics. The most popular and best natural teething toys are:

  • Sophie the Giraffe teether - still made in France
  • Fanfan the Fawn - made in France
  • Purebaby natural rubber teethers - Australia

Shop also for a wooden teether, rubber fish, baby teething ring style, a koala teether and more ideas for soothers for 3 month old babies to 2 year olds in Australia.   

Teethers can be used for soothing sore gums, but soothers are another word for dummy. Looking for natural dummies or soothers for babies?  Go to Natural Dummies 

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8 products