Vegucation Brisbane Vegan Event Review by Kate Dunphy
Changing your habits to fit a vegan diet can be daunting, and nothing crushes the spirit like hot chips being the only vegan option on a restaurant menu. With the rise in awareness of the detrimental effects that the meat industry has on the environment, the climate, and our health, more people are seeking alternatives to a carnivorous lifestyle and choosing to go cruelty-free. In 2016 in Brisbane there has been a much-anticipated increase in vegan events and efforts to raise awareness to the advantages of a cruelty-free lifestyle. Recently, Brisbane welcomed Vegucation, the freshest vegan market to hit the scene. The night market took place on Northey Street Farm, a lush and peaceful pocket on Brisbane's north side. Not only were there a number of charities present, many stalls and vendors also donated a percentage of their earnings to some very worthy causes. That vegan ice cream from Space Bars was even sweeter knowing 20% of profits would help animals at the Sugarshine Farm Animal Sanctuary! Vegucation was created to inspire and educate people (whether they be vegan or not) on the benefits of plant based, organic and sustainable diets. Josh Raine, the founder of Vegucation said that he aimed to create a “welcoming and inspiring place for people to visit, enjoy and learn what it is to be vegan and how extremely rewarding it can be.” Raine wanted those who visited the market to feel “the sense of community and compassion that comes with being vegan” – or to learn about alternate eating habits at least. I personally believe even a taste of the non-meat pies from the Foodmill would make anyone think twice about choosing a steak and pepper variety. Present at this not-for-profit market were stalls chosen for their positive impact. There were food stalls, coffee and hot chocolate and vegan treats, vendors selling vegan cosmetics, nutritional products, gifts, plant-based foods, and reusable coffee cups. Educational awareness stalls had a wealth of readily available information and dedicated charities and parties worked to raise money to help animals and the environment, while a number of musicians provided a wonderful atmosphere throughout the evening. Like many other cities, Brisbane still has a way to go before nutritious vegan food is readily available no matter where you are. Events like Vegucation are an important step in the right direction and all over Australia people are championing the cruelty free lifestyle, including Josh Raine. He said, “I'd love to bring Vegucation across the nation. I don't think the job is done until the world is completely cruelty free.” By raising awareness and actively educating in a welcoming environment, changing eating and lifestyle habits seems less like an impossible task and more like a rewarding personal choice. With Vegucation right off the back of BrisVeganFest in September and the Brisbane Vegan Markets, there are more learning and growing opportunities than ever before. Your attendance and support could mean vegan is always on the menu, so check out the great vegan events in Brisbane and get involved.Further reading Vegucation Night Markets: Space Bars Icecreamery: Foodmill: BrisVeganFest: Brisbane Vegan Markets: Sugarshine Farm Animal